World Mental Health Day - 10/10/2022
How to Honor World Mental Health Day
Be Nice to Yourself
Remember to take responsibility for addressing your own mental health on this special day:
· Practice self-care by using a kinder internal dialogue.
· Plan an activity that supports psychological health, such as yoga,
meditation, art, a weekend retreat, journaling, a nature walk or
rewatching series favorites … just for the fun of it.
· Consult with a mental health professional to work on lowering stress.
Identify areas of life you wish to improve, problem solve and develop
a positive strategy together.
Donate to mental health groups or projects (both big and small) to help cultivate positive causes. Make your own impact by volunteering.
Dedicating your time can also benefit you with new social connections
to kindred spirits and a good chance to donate your talents.
Check-in on Friends and Neighbors
Reach out to those who are struggling, whether that be on the phone, email or social media. A small effort of recognition makes a huge influence to those feeling lonely or lacking support.
Selfless Giving
Random acts of kindness means offering your best self to others without your gaining a return on investment for your efforts. These deeds could simply be letting a person with few purchases go in front of you in line, allow others over in traffic, giving up a good parking spot or seat in a crowd. Lifting others’ spirits (and your own) is healing and creates a better global environment for all.
Advocate for Mental Health
Educate others on the importance of mental health in your own unique way:
· Support someone who needs help, volunteer or attend a wellness walk.
· Gently redirect those who stigmatize others who receive therapeutic
· Encourage politicians to make mental health a priority in our country
with your vote.
Learn more about World Mental Health Day - October 10, 2022: