Social Media News and Mental Health

Excess emersion in social media is unwise. We become overwhelmed when spending hours online seeking answers. The mind is not constructed to process an oversaturation of discouraging material and millions of digital comparisons. When people become flooded with too much data, one response is to ‘give up,’ which can lead to learned helplessness. This manifestation of learned helplessness is related to a person’s belief in their ability to reach a goal. In this case, finding the correct piece of information that satisfies a sense of safety in what we perceive to be an unsafe world. An impression of powerlessness that comes with a perceived lack of control over a particular outcome can lead to depression. It is important to proactively take control over our wellbeing and lessen the effect of learned helplessness.

Helping Children Cope after Tragedy

Many caregivers are wondering how to address the Texas school shooting with kids. Adults are uncertain about what to say when a child asks about terrorist attacks and community shootings learned about in the news or from school friends. Children may be frightened by rumors or inaccuracies about what actually happened and require a special type of clarification.

Perfectionism in our Culture

What is perfectionism? What it is not is merely having high standards or striving too intensely to achieve a goal. What drives perfectionism is an erroneous belief that one is inherently flawed and then works hard to cover up what they think are their defects.

People who cannot accept mistakes may act in the following ways:
1. Have to always set their own rules
2. Blame others for their mistakes
3. Say unhelpful things about themselves
4. Have trouble making decisions
5. Make a project way too complex in trying to make it be ‘the best’
6. Procrastinate until the last minute, as they feel their work won’t be good enough
7. Always take over and insist that things be done their way
8. Pay more attention to what is wrong instead of seeing the positive side
9. Give up too soon without really trying

Reclaim your 'Holidaze'

Have you even thoughts about creating other ways to how you celebrate the holidays? More individuals than you may even guess could be interested in investigating alternative ideas on giving gifts (maybe not giving gifts at all) or ways to entertain.