Grieving Parental Loss

Two days before my November birthday, my father passed away. I have discovered that grief is an interesting topic unappreciated until there is a real personal encounter. Feelings of anguish are commonly experienced after any significant loss such as a job or relationship including the death of a close person. Separation anxiety, feelings of yearning and confusion accompany the state of grief. During this time, intrusive thoughts of the past or fears for the future may emerge. It is not rare to have feelings of regret over lost opportunities or remorse for a negative act that was committed by either party. An intense grief reaction can disrupt the immune system or cause physical pain enough to influence self-neglect. Grieving is deeply personal and there is no ‘correct’ way to go through the process. Gabert (2020) describes surviving the unexpected nature of grief:

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADS)

Pregnancy and childbirth are often thought of as times of joy, yet mental health issues can complicate this experience. One of the most famous modern cases centered around a Houston woman named Andrea Yates, who a judge convicted of murder in 2002 after she drowned her five children. Yates was later found not guilty by reason of insanity. She was also diagnosed with postpartum psychosis. The 2023 news story of  Lindsay Clancy is another example of the devastating consequences of pregnancy-related mental health disturbances. Lindsay was a normal mom regularly sharing photos of herself happily smiling and hugging her three kids. Yet Clancy was charged with murdering her children before attempting to take her own life. It is difficult to comprehend what led to this mother to lose her grip on reality and harm her children. At her trial, Clancy’s legal defense emphasized that since her youngest child was still a baby, this mother may have been suffering from undiagnosed postpartum psychosis. When reviewing this case in hindsight, it is clear that appropriate intervention may have prevented tragedy. This lawsuit has sparked a nationwide conversation regarding the importance of post-partum mental health education.

The Power of Curative Connections

What if you could be prescribed a trip to a nature preserve, a watercolor class or walking group to treat mental health issues? Social prescribing is an alternative model of care that recognizes the social, emotional and practical needs that impact people’s overall health. Our wellbeing is strongly determined by our environment. These social determinants of health are the nonmedical aspects in which we are born, grow up, work, live and age that influence our health outcomes. We all need basics to survive, such as clean air, nutritious food, decent shelter and adequate money. However to truly flourish, we need to focus on whole-person care by finding meaning in our lives, sources of joy and beneficial relationships.

2024 Workforce Trends

United States companies have experienced tens of thousands of lost jobs in markets from Wall Street to the travel, tech and media industries, despite experts reporting a strong economy. The cause of numerous job cuts may relate to pandemic over-hiring or the need to reduce costs due to high interest rates. Surplus positions are eliminated to optimize the workforce when businesses restructure. Firms in declining industries, such as tobacco, manufacturing and apparel, trim to survive. Technological changes intended to improve company efficiency, including the investment of AI, are replacing human workers. International arenas that bring global rivalry create workforce reduction related to the changing market. In order to cut costs, in-house employees may oftentimes lose their jobs to outsourcing.

Remaining Positive in a Chaotic World

Have you noticed how the world is changing?

Occasionally feeling overwhelmed is normal and it may be challenging to stay positive about the future. Maintaining a sense of hope may help to stay upbeat, as hopefulness is associated with wellbeing, resilience and reduced feelings of depression. Existential thinkers, like Viktor Frankl, highlighted the value of meaning and purpose as a source of hope. While Psychologist C. R. Snyder’s theory asserts that hopefulness serves as a coping mechanism to deal with stress and adversity.

Tis the Season ... to Examine your Mindset

Waking with a start on Sunday morning, I realized it was December and the onset of the holiday season. After getting a cup of coffee, I went straight to my office to begin project managing this month’s calendar. Many people mirror this attempt to choreograph every intricacy of this time of the year.

A recent survey by the American Psychological Association found normalcy in holiday stress; imagine that! In addition, it was discovered that Americans’ primary stressors during the holidays are characterized by financial fears, struggles with loneliness and worries surrounding impending family conflict. If you are like me and your busy schedule becomes even busier in December, it may help to put things in perspective.