Mental Health Awareness Month

Common signs of mental health problems are eating or sleeping too much or not enough, losing interest in people and activities, feeling hopeless or having aches and pains without a source. Other signs are using alcohol or drugs as way of coping, irritability and anger, feeling depressed and thoughts of harming oneself or others.

Kinder Aspirations for the New Year

It is time to say farewell to the chaos of 2021 and look toward setting smart goals for safety, health and happiness in 2022. But instead of the usual self-critical New Year resolutions based on ‘not being enough,’ why not use a gentler approach to set simple objectives with individual wellbeing in mind. Forget what others are doing to self-improve, as comparison frequently leaves people feeling just that…’less than.’

National Psychotherapy Day - September 25, 2021

National Psychotherapy Day - September 25, 2021