On Creative Problem Solving
“The mind does most of its best thinking when we aren't there.
The answers are there in the morning.” – Alain de Botton
What is Default Mode Network (DMN)? DMN is an empirically supported phenomena when one develops their best ideas during times in which they are otherwise mentally unoccupied. Examples may be when in the shower, walking your dog or raking fall leaves. Some may term this daydreaming, an activity we engage in almost 50% of time.
The reason we are in our most inventive mindset while doing absent-minded activities is due to the “default mode network.” Our brain is able to engage its DMN when other tasks do not compete for attentional resources. Mind-wandering is associated with a state that allows you to explore new ideas and tap into a more creative side. Experts tell us that ‘letting go’ to activate a pattern of inattention is a path to inspiration. For example, when occupied with an undemanding task, such as ironing, the mind engages in a stream of consciousness enabling atypical memory and generating fresh ideas.
After receiving innovative impressions, it is recommended to use the brain’s executive functioning system to evaluate a concept’s viability. In other words, we can initially form a problem-solving network in a meditative state to develop spontaneous solutions. Many poets, artists, musicians and performers find success with this method to inspire their own creative works. It is important to grant enough time to effectively shift into a less goal-oriented state. Relaxation and playfulness are vital components of activating the DMN. Creative Thinking and the Future, Turner-Clark.
How to fuel your creativity
If you want to maximize brain power, gain insights or understand yourself a bit better, try consciously activating the unconscious.
1) Daytime learning is transferred into long term memory during sleep, so
ensure you are getting sufficient rest. Even daily minibreaks or short naps
are helpful in downloading and storing information.
2) Go for a leisurely nature walk to active the DMN for information
processing on previously formed ideas.
3) Mindfulness meditation is a great technique to improve imagination and
filter ideas to the creative brain. (see link below).
4) Progressive muscle relaxation consists of sequentially tensing/relaxing
the body’s various muscle groups while focusing your ‘mind’s eye’ on the
resulting sensations. This activity triggers the parasympathetic relaxation
response creating a pensive, reflective mental state.
5) Step away from electronics to invest intentional time for creative thought.