Cultivating Self-Esteem

The foundation of self-esteem is rooted in the relationship you have with yourself. According to Schiraldi (2016,) self-esteem is “a deep, quiet inner security that is not easily shaken under duress or after a disappointing performance.” Often we measure self-worth by comparing ourself to others. This practice can alter the respect we hold for ourselves. Decision making, assertiveness, risk taking and letting go of past mistakes are areas of our lives that can be disrupted when our self-respect is in question.

2024 Workforce Trends

United States companies have experienced tens of thousands of lost jobs in markets from Wall Street to the travel, tech and media industries, despite experts reporting a strong economy. The cause of numerous job cuts may relate to pandemic over-hiring or the need to reduce costs due to high interest rates. Surplus positions are eliminated to optimize the workforce when businesses restructure. Firms in declining industries, such as tobacco, manufacturing and apparel, trim to survive. Technological changes intended to improve company efficiency, including the investment of AI, are replacing human workers. International arenas that bring global rivalry create workforce reduction related to the changing market. In order to cut costs, in-house employees may oftentimes lose their jobs to outsourcing.

Practicing Assertiveness

Assertiveness is an expression of your true needs, beliefs or feelings to others. It means being unafraid to stand up for yourself, set boundaries and self-advocate in a respectful manner. Choosing to passively avoid speaking up for yourself gives away your power and only leads to your feeling resentful. Assertive communication results in a ‘win-win’ rather than the ‘I win’ expression of aggression by respecting the rights of others, as well as oneself. I often tell clients, “Assertiveness implies getting what you need without stepping on others’ toes” and is a benefit for all considered. Openly stating needs and boundaries serves others by setting expectations, promoting clarity and building trust. I don’t know about you, but I personally like being around people with whom I know where I stand.